I founded Jaya Moksha during the winter of 2013, taking my lifelong love of crafting and creating into a full-time passion. In 2012, I had taken an indefinite break from my career (as a social worker and psychotherapist), left the city I lived in for 18 years (San Francisco), and ended a relationship, listening to the inner voice of my heart that repeated over and over...
“In order to find your liberation,
you must burn everything…”
In an act of full surrender to this fierce but compassionate voice that I knew was truth asking me to step into the unknown, I allowed myself to flow back to India, which had been calling me to return ever since I had been there 10 years before. My stepping stones of spiritual practice, which for many years had been Buddhist meditation and Tantric philosophy, opened into new paths. Now it was deeper yogic practice, opening my breath and body more and more, and time with spiritual teachers with whom my heart melted into more surrender. “I am yours Consciousness,” I would pray with every ounce of my being. “I give up everything. All desires, all expectations, all identity. Let me just be a conduit for you experiencing yourself, for the divine to pour through in all its ordinariness and all its glory.”
My heart cracked deeply open and I felt myself slip into acceptance and pure innocent joy more than ever before. I came to truly understand and experience that it wasn't a matter of some consciousness outside of myself illuminating this human me, but that I am pure consciousness experiencing itself in the particular flavor of this human experience. It was during this time of this radiant realization that the concepts for this initial year of Jaya Moksha designs was born. As I relaxed into this realization and the simple appreciation of life more and more, it allowed so much more room for spontaneous creativity...
Years later, and I'm constantly wow'ed by the images and designs that flow through me and ask to be made into form. I love designing creations that are unique, affordable, and meaningful!
Inspiration & Intention
My designs are inspired by sacred geometry from many different cultures & religious traditions, and made to be reminders of our spiritual path.
I've created these treasures to celebrate the absolute radiance that is inherent in each of us, and every moment of reality.
May you know your truth, completely....